
Thames Gateway region is BACK!

Finally Thames Gateway region is BACK! Maybe a little bit late but with number of great talks scheduled. First we will welcome Nathan Edgell - a recent star of pike angling, featured on the cover of the Pikelines, captor of some BIG pike on lures, dead, and live baits. We will enjoy his talk, great photography, and refreshing attitude on Monday 6th, January, 7:30PM in The Olympic, Beechenlea Lane, Swanley, Kent BR8 8DR (map). This fantastic angler will get you eager to go out fishing!

Free food and piker's raffle. All anglers welcome, entry £4 PAC members, £5 for non-members.

Finally for those who have not yet had a chance of meeting the new region RO, from left to right: Michal Dziemianko, Sean Ellis, and Nick Watkins just before last Essex kid's pike fishing course!


Organisational meeting

The region has a new RO: Michal Dziemianko, who takes over after Steve. Thank you Steve for all the work you have done!

An organisational meeting in The Flying Boat (Dartford, DA1 2DT, map) on Wednesday, Nov 20th 2013 at 19:30. We will try to get an understanding of what the region anglers expect, and plan activities accordingly. All pike anglers welcome!



Stu Gilham is known for being the first UK angler to have caught Pike and Carp in excess of 40lb in weight. Well known throughout the UK specimen hunting scene, Stuart has now turned his sights abroad, and has set up proberbly the most impressive fishing venue in the world. Stuarts' venue in Thailand has enormous fish of all species close to world record size.
 As Stuart has to return to Thailand on the 5th March, he has agreed to come and give us a talk on the Tuesday before he goes home, so the march meeting will actually be on
                                           TUESDAY 26TH FEBRUARY

at the Papermakers Arms as usual, with buffet and raffle.
PAC Members £4 / Non Members £5



For our first speaker meet of the new year, we welcome Nick Peat to the Thames Gateway region.
For the majority of pike anglers, Nick needs no introduction, being one of the most prolific catchers of big pike in the UK.
 Nick will be giving us an insight into his unique and single minded pursuit of the UK's favourite piscine predator.
 Meeting will be on Tuesday 5th Feb at The Papermakers Arms in Hawley Road, nr Dartford. meet from 7.30 omwards with Nick starting around 8pm
PAC members £4-Non members £5 inc sumptious buffet. Raffle too!



29 year old Julian spent much of his early angling career in search of pike across the UK and beyond. In more recent years he has developed his skills to become one of the countries leading all round big fish anglers with an enviable list of personal bests. The high light of Julian's angling career is undoubtedly winning the coveted Drennan Cup in the 2009/10 season.
  Julian works for Fox international as a predator and specialist tackle consultant. Has a busy angling guiding operation, and is also backed by Richworth. He has a monthly series in 'Improve Your Coarse Fishing', the UK's top selling monthly angling title and has recently been trying his hand at presenting as part of the 'Extreme Carp' series on Sky Sports.
However, even now its pike and predator fishing that makes Jules tick, and he will be giving us an insight into his approach during his talk

Tuesday 6th March at the Papermakers Arms as usual : 7pm for an 8pm start
Buffet and raffle

Members £4/Non members £5



This month we welcome to the region probably the most prolific and successful pike angler in the country, Mr Eddie Turner. The author of two excellent pike books, captor of more 30lb pike than even Bill Palmer, including two 40lb'ers, and innovative pike tackle designer.
 The meeting is at the Papermakers Arms on the 7th Feb and we'll be meeting around 7 for an 8 o'clock start.
Raffle and buffet as usual. Members £4:Non members £5



Januarys meeting see's the return of another of the Dartford region "old guard" in the shape of Rob "sun tramp" Milford........John's twin brother Rob has left his "native!!" Ireland for the sunnier climes of the Ebro Valley in Spain, and taken up residence as one of the valleys fishing guides.......here Rob will recount his first year's escapades whilst living the dream....
 An evening not to be missed as Rob is putting up a spectacular raffle prize.....3 days guided fishing for 2 on the Ebro including airport pick up and accomodation, all the lucky winners have to do is buy a flight..
 Tuesday 3rd Jan is the date, usual venue of the Papermakers Arms : 7.30 for 8.00pm start  for a night of hilarity and tall tales.....see you there........

Members £4/Non members £5