The Winter Pike fishing season is nearly upon us, and we kick off our winter meetings with speakers in September through to April. Ive managed to procure the services of some very interesting and diverse speakers this winter, so there should be something to appease all tastes.
Tuesday 1st September :
Mark Salt of the National Angulla Club. Mark will be imparting his knowledge of the enigma that is
anguilla anguillaTuesday 6th October :
John "Watto" Watson. One of the all time great pike anglers, and author of the iconic tome " A Pikers Progress"
Tuesday 3rd November :
Chris Leibbrandt. Chris has held the highest office in the PAC and the LAS, was the original RO of the Old Dartford PAC region, and can only be described as the Chris Yates of the Piking World
Tuesday 1st December :
Mike Green Mike is a highly successful fly angler, catching a large amount of big pike on the fly, the most recent being the amazing 40lb 8oz fish from Chew
Tuesday 5th January :
TBCTuesday 2nd February :
Eric Edwards : Eric is a very successful and innovative all round angler, and the captor of the biggest brace of pike ever taken by a UK angler
Tuesday 2nd March :
Mark Phillips. Mark is an avid lure angler specializing in Zander and Pike
Tuesday 6th April :
Dave Horton : Dave Horton.....need I say more!