Welcome to the Blogspot for the all new Thames Gateway PAC Region
The Thames Gateway region meet on the first Tuesday of the month at the Papermakers Arms, Hawley Road, Dartford, Kent.
We intend to run meetings all through the year, but only play host to guest speakers during the pike season proper, which will be September-April.
Meetings will kick off from around 7.30pm onwards, with the guest speaker starting at around 8.30pm.
With the location of the meeting venue, we hope to attract pikers from the North Kent/South Essex/South East London catchment area and any brave soul who wishes to venture from further afield. All anglers of any age and ability with an interest in our toothy adversary are welcome.
Your Regional Organisers
I will be acting as RO for the Region. My name is Steve Gould and I have been pike angling seriously since 1983, although i did have a 10 year break between 1994-2004 when i discovered fast cars and faster bikes(the wilderness years I like to call them), but i returned to the fold with the fire burning as brightly as ever.
I'm the one with the silly hat, and the jolly looking chap with the santa-esque apperance is our assistant RO and Treasurer John Synnuck. John is also Treasurer for the PAC commitee. He is also one of lifes characters who has the annoying tendancy of being extremely successful in whichever branch of angling he seems to participate in, but I can't hold that against him as he is an excellent fishing companion and all round good egg.
Contact details: pacregion19@aol.com
Inaugural Meeting:Tuesday 6th February
Our first meeting is on the aforementioned date at The Papermakers Arms,Dartford.
Directions for the pub are here
To open precedings our guest speaker will be the legend that is
Bill is the author of two very successful books and the captor of more big pike than you can shake a stick at, so come and join us for lots of pike related banter, sandwiches and beer!
Precedings will start at 7.30pm, John and I will be the furtive looking ones sitting at the bar hoping for lots of people to turn up.
Members £2.50
Non members £3.50
Hope to see you on the 6th
March's Meeting
Tuesday 6th march
Guest Speaker
(All round predator angler, fenland guide and PAC general secretary)
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